Do you have neck pain…or other symptoms stemming from neck problems?

By Whitefish Therapy & Sport Center

Problems with the neck, or cervical spine, can cause a variety of impairments including neck pain, arm pain, neurological symptoms in the arm, shoulder blade pain, and headaches.  

The cervical spine is comprised of seven vertebrae.

The cervical spine is connected to the skull superiorly, meaning at the upper end of the cervical spine, and to thoracic spine inferiorly, meaning at the lower end of the cervical spine.  Problems with the neck arise due to the flexible cervical spine being connected to these two rigid anatomical structures.  Consider this: If you place a wire up/down in cement and let the cement dry, where would the wire break when you bend it back and forth?  The wire would break right at the junction of the cement.  Similarly, most neck problems are at the upper part of the neck at the levels known as C1 and C2 (the junction with the skull), or at the lower neck at levels C6 & L7 (the junction with the thoracic spine).  

The primary exercise to alleviate symptoms resulting from neck problems, as well as for preventing neck problems, is cervical retractions.  The goal of this exercise is to stretch the head back over the spine counteracting the forward head posture that is so predominant for most everyone these days.  Please note that it is always recommended to see a physician or an experienced physical therapist prior to beginning these exercises.

Start with a small range of motion that does not cause any pain.  Gradually progress as symptoms allow.  Start with one set of 10 retractions.  If symptoms improve or stay the same, progress to 3 sets of 10 three times per day.  If symptoms worsen, stop this exercise.  

 If the symptoms do not resolve with this particular exercise routine, please contact Whitefish Therapy at 406-862-9378 for a complete cervical evaluation and customized treatment program. 

Additionally, Scott Ruta, MSPT, Owner of Whitefish Therapy & Sport Center, and Amanda Wilson, co-founder with Scott of Nyack Exchange, have created a PT IN A BOX® home rehab kit specific to the neck. The at-home training program with instructional videos and a hard-copy booklet is a great tool for at-home rehab.  If interested, please visit