Speech Therapy

therapy Ay Whitefish Therapy  & Sport Center

What Is Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy is the assessment and treatment of disorders that impact communication and swallowing. Speech therapy may be needed for speech disorders that occur in childhood or communication impairments that are acquired in adulthood, caused by an injury or illness, such as stroke or brain injury. Speech therapy begins with an assessment by a speech-language pathologist (SLP), who will identify the type of communication or swallowing disorder and the best way to treat it.


Who Benefits From Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy for children

For your child, speech therapy may take place one-on-one, over teletherapy or may involve family members depending on the speech disorder. Speech therapy exercises and activities vary depending on your child’s disorder, age, and needs.

During speech therapy for children, the SLP may:

  • Engage in play-based therapy to make learning relevant, meaningful, and fun for your child

  • Embed your child's individualized goals into playful activities and interactions

  • Use skilled techniques to teach the child how to make certain sounds and words

  • Provide coaching and homework for the parent or caregiver on how to promote therapy targets at home

Speech therapy for adults

Speech therapy for adults begins with assessment to determine your needs and the best treatment. Speech therapy tasks for adults are individually designed to help you with communication at home, work and social settings. Therapy may also include retraining of swallowing function if an injury or medical condition, such as Parkinson’s disease or oral cancer has caused swallowing difficulties.

Meet Our Speech Therapy Specialist