Physical Therapy for Equestrian Athletes

Through training with the US Equestrian Team's physical therapist, I have learned to assess and treat riders from all disciplines. Studies show that over 81% of horseback riders will incur some kind of injury throughout their career. Injury and a rider's biomechanics play a role in fall risk and significantly impact a rider's performance. If you are looking to improve your riding or return to riding following injury, physical therapy with a physical therapist focused on equestrian performance is the right choice for you.

Many equestrians have a mindset that if you’re not falling, you’re not riding, but many falls are caused by inequalities in a rider's seat. Often inequalities are a result of years of normal use, where we often favor one side over the other. These inequalities can look like asymmetrical strength and weakness, tightness which impacts one side more than another, or excess mobility impacting the body. These inequalities can limit a rider's performance, cause pain and soreness for our horses, and lead to falls and injury. If the rider is not symmetric and balanced, their equine partner cannot be either, significantly limiting performance and leaving horses unbalanced and at risk of injuries of their own. 

Within the clinic, a physical therapy evaluation for equestrians examines hip mobility, core strength, hip strength, and a rider's ability to dissociate movement between the upper and lower halves of their body. From this comprehensive assessment, a program can be developed to address a rider's specific weaknesses, and limitations in mobility can be addressed in order to best benefit their riding. 

The top athletes in equestrian sports utilize physical therapy to improve their performance. Why shouldn’t you?