Enhance your Running Performance while taking care of your body!

Running season is upon us! Heading out for a run can be fun & good exercise for all ages and abilities. Running may seem like second nature and an activity that does not require much thought or training; however, to go the distance and to do so without pain, requires strength, coordination, and flexibility.

Unfortunately, whether in peak condition, brand new to running, or somewhere in between, 50% of runners will sustain a running-related injury.

  • Injuries are multifactorial, but two factors that increase your risk of injury are previous running injuries and training errors. 

  • Younger runners are more inclined to sustain bone related injuries, while older runners sustain more soft tissue related injuries.

  • 50% of all running-related injuries will occur at the knee. Patellofemoral pain - pain at the front of the knee, around the kneecap/patella- is the most common issue and affects women more often than men.  

  • Other common injuries include iliotibial (IT) band pain, tibial stress fractures (shin splints), and Achilles tendinopathy. 

How to decrease your risk of injury and enhance your performance: A thorough musculoskeletal evaluation and running analysis by a physical therapist can identify specific impairments in strength, muscle length, & mobility. Training customized based on information specific to YOUR body can dramatically reduce your risk of injury by correcting imbalances, thus reducing stress on areas such as your knees, shins, feet, and low back.

Contact us at 406-862-WFPT (9378) to set up a running analysis and/or physical therapy designed training with one of our movement experts.