

Headache Program

  • Find the root cause

  • Reduce frequency & severity

  • Drug free

  • Improve quality of life

    70% of Migraine Patients DO NOT Receive Appropriate Care -

    Migraine Surgery Center


Common Causes & Symptoms of Headaches

Symptoms in the head, face, and jaw most often stem from the neck, or more specifically, the cervical spine. These symptoms can be any number of things, including pain, soreness, achiness, tightness, numbness, tingling, tooth pain, jaw pain, dry or watery eyes, tight or sore sinuses, vision changes, nausea, fullness, or ringing in the ears…the list goes on and on.

How We Treat Headaches

• Identifying the source of the problem

• Creating a personalized program

• Correction in postures when standing, walking, and sitting down.

• Making Lifestyle changes to promote good posture - Sleep position, Work station etc.

• Identification and awareness of the “trigger points” that can generate the headache and how to deal with it.

What Headache Patients are Saying

Our Headache Specialists