Shoulder Pain Relief!

Shoulder injuries constitute a large portion of orthopedic medical visits. Rotator cuff issues are one of the most common types of shoulder injury, and the frequency of rotator cuff problems increases with age.


In the past, preferred methods of treatment have been rest, steroid injections, and surgery. However, non-operative management of partial rotator cuff tears has become increasingly popular and effective. Literature suggests conservative measures, including exercise, are successful in up to 80% of cases. In cases where conservative management is not successful, Physical Therapists (PTs) can often recommend a local surgeon who fits your needs.

PTs, experts in the field of manual therapy and exercise prescription, are well positioned to assist patients with rotator cuff tears to decrease pain and restore function. Overall, physical therapy is often the first step to take in obtaining a healthy, functioning shoulder.


When I went to Whitefish Therapy & Sport Center, I met with Ryan Senn DPT, OCS, CSCS. My left shoulder was very tender, both strength and range of motion were limited, this was affecting my daily activity, and limiting my exercise routine. Because I am a side sleeper, I also had significant pain when trying to sleep, it was very difficult to find a comfortable position for that shoulder. Ryan did a thorough assessment and started me on a program to strengthen the shoulder muscles and restore my range of motion. He carefully and gradually increased the exercises. I now have full use of the shoulder and I am pain free at night. I am very grateful to Ryan for his help and expertise.  - Elizabeth B